Indications :
Amino Tonic helps in protein formation. It acts as building
Blocking agent for the development of meat production It also
Uses to increase egg & milk production. For use as a
Supplemental source of dextrose, electrolytes,
Helps to prevent indigestion as supportive treatment with Anitibiotic
Therapy, Bloat and Diarrhea
Increases, digestive rate and nutrients uptake
Increases milk production and meat production
Improves gut health and
Indication :
For prevention and control of all types of mastitis.
To improve udder health and gut health by lowering Pathogenic microbial population
To increase milk quantity.
To improve milk quality by lowering somatic cell.
Establish beneficial
Direct for Use : Ideal for all Species. The following quantitites Are sufficient when given in drinking water as Calcium supplement.
Dosages :
Cattle, Buffaloes & Horse - 100-200 ml. daily
Dogs - 10-20 ml.,Twice daily.
Poultry - Chick 20